Monday, June 3, 2013


It appears as though proper protocol after a cancer diagnosis is to create a blog.  Here it is folks, everything I never wanted to talk about or think about for that matter is now laid before you.  I'm completely exposed.  I knew I couldn't do this unless I was completely real, 100% honest about how this feels.  First let me say that I am aware that there is no right thing to say to somebody who has been diagnosed with cancer and even if there was a right thing to say I would have inevitably taken it the wrong way.

When I was first diagnosed I searched feverishly for somebody like me.  I needed to relate on a level of realness, I had been humbled to the core and wanted somebody to just say how bad this sucks.  I found amazing stories of  brave women who laughed in the face of cancer, these women were incredibly inspiring yet they brought me no comfort.  There are these words associated with breast cancer, words like "survivor", "fighter", "warrior"....these words pissed me off.  I didn't feel strong, I felt like shit.  I cried until I had no more tears and screamed at the top of lungs until my ears were ringing.  I was horribly mean to the people who love me.  I knew I was going to die, I could feel it in my bones.  Every time I went to the doctor the news got worse, my cancer is bad and I can't get anybody to tell me if I get to see my 3 year old go to kindergarten.  I was pissed that my husband got to be healthy, how come he gets to watch our children grow up?  I have so many things I want to do still, I'm not even 30!  No more fluff, this cancer stuff blows and there is nothing I'd rather do less.  I'm so scared, I don't want to lose my hair, I don't want to lose my boobs, I don't want my eyelashes and eyebrows to fall out, I don't want to sit for 5 hours every Wednesday hooked up to a machine and have poison pumped through my body.  I just don't wanna.  But I do want to see my three year old go to kindergarten and I do want to see how insanely handsome of a man my son will be and I want to do all of it alongside my healthy husband.  Not because I am a survivor, fighter, or a warrior, but because I am too scared to die.  And that is okay, not everybody is equip at 29 to go through this gracefully, I for one am not. 
I am going to update this blog every Wednesday while I am plugged into the Matrix(a.k.a. CHEMO)and share every juicy detail of my journey.  So if you want to watch my hair fall out and like listening to me complain then follow me.


  1. Kara, You are an amazing woman. Scared, pissed off, bald, whatever you feel or see in the mirror...Your friends and family see a beautiful, fun, funny, talented, honest woman with the heart to lay it out in the open. Love you! - Sandi

  2. You never stop to amaze me! This blog is a wonderful gift to many women :)

  3. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. Being open and honest and speaking about your experience takes more strength than a lot of people have. Fear can be your motivation for strength, it sure as hell would be mine. Thank you for sharing your journey (and making us cry with you). When you feel your losing strength remember all of us who are here to support you!

  4. I DO NOT want to watch your hair fall out or listen to one more thing about your cancer...However, I have been following you for 29 years, why stop now? There isn't a prouder mom on the planet or one who hates cancer more than I do! Where ever you are is my favorite place to be! I love you!

  5. You have NO idea the number of people that "have your back" and truly care. They will be with you every single step of the way. And yeah, it really sucks to have to be the one taking those steps,,,,but kinda nice to know you have a good support group.

  6. I love you so much Kara. Im so happy we reconnected a few years ago. You are very important in my life and my daughter's life youre her nina!

  7. I am sorry to hear about this. I would like to offer a shoulder or an ear to bend if you want to talk to someone you have only met once. Sometimes it is easier to talk to someone you don't know that way you don't feel like you have to hold anything back. your dad or granny have my number. I wish you the best! There are amazing doctors out there! I have faith you will or already have one! Malia

  8. Thinking positive thoughts for you, Kara, you have a wonderful family and friends that are standing with you. You are as beautiful as you want to be, with or without hair and whatever else because the "you" shines from within...all the best/Steve (Deb's friend)

  9. You are so beautiful, that even without hair you will look great. I have always loved your style.

  10. Thank you for sharing your experience. I will be following you on your journey. Hugs!!

  11. We, too, have your back. We are praying for you! <3

  12. Kara, I know we don't know each other all that well but whenever I have spent time with you it has been a complete joy because of the fun and energy you bring. As a friend of some of my dearest friends I will be following you, praying for you, and rooting you on every step of the way!
