Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Head shaving party!

"Life itself is made up of many small pictures.  Our lives are defined in a trillion small ways, small pictures, memories and moments that represent who we are and what we are.  Every day life isn't about the big picture, at least not until the end.  Every day life is about being present in each and every moment."-My mom

This, my loves, was a tiny magical moment.  Thank you for honoring me in the most beautiful way you knew how.


  1. I watched it twice,,,,,,you have such an amazing family! (yeah, I know, amazing is your mom's favorite word,,,,but its true!)
    Screw the wigs,,,,,way cool without hair in this weather!!
    Stay strong,

  2. You and your family are amazing and so supportive. You are beautiful with or without hair! Stay strong!
    Wishing you much comfort, strength and peace!

  3. Gina (LaMar) NykerkAugust 15, 2013 at 8:10 PM

    This is the most beautiful video, Kara. It is so, so powerful and it is incredibly inspiring to watch. I sat here and cried through the whole thing! Thank you for sharing your journey and your beautiful family with us! Love you, Gina
