Friday, July 12, 2013

New Girl

The person who has been staring back at me in the mirror for the last 29 years of my life is gone.  There is a new girl who looks at me now.  She's not as pretty, she's puffy and balding, and she looks terribly sad.  Have you ever gotten a new haircut and then caught your reflection on accident and had to do a double take?  I don't want to get used to this reflection, I don't want this girl staring back at me for very much longer.  There are stages of acceptance that I am trying to adjust to and I am finding that I need to do so privately before I can share things publicly.  I have so many people that have wanted to come see me, to support me, love me...and I just can't.  I can't let them into a place that I haven't had a chance to sort out.  I can barely carry a conversation most days of the week and the last thing I want is to be around somebody watching them being themselves and be unable to find myself.  It's embarrassing.  There is no hiding from this, I cannot gloss over the ugly parts like I so desperately want to.  I cannot have my friends and family come over and pretend that I am okay, I am not okay.  But I can take all the time that I need to adjust, privately.  Right now, today, what I need is to be alone.  I need to curl up into a ball and mourn the loss of the girl who used to stare back at me.  I miss her terribly. 


  1. You are the bravest woman I know. Your posts are incredibly personal and I really appreciate the invitation into such a personal struggle.

  2. The New girl in your reflection is the fighter within, she is taking some punches and maybe down right now but she is far from out. You have love all around you. Your body is under construction once the cemo has demolished the Cancer the stronger, insightful, most beautiful young woman will emerge.

  3. Thinking of you!
    Peace, strength and comfort.
    Fight on!

  4. you have amazing strength. hang in there, your beauty is in your smile, that's all anyone wants to see, your beautiful smile! keep it up pretty girl and stay strong!
